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108 past events

AU’s Rob Boston speaking at First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh

Rob Boston, AU Senior Adviser and Editor of Church & State magazine, is speaking on "Democracy vs. Theocracy: The Christian Nationalist Assault On Church-State Separation." In person at First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh, 605 Morewood Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 or virtual via Zoom. In Person: Proof of vaccination required at the door or email [email protected] to register in advance. A presentation of the First Church Humanist Group.

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AU Orange County, CA Chapter: How Atheist Communities are Reframing Separation of Church and State

AU-OC Presents: Evan Clark, Executive Director of Atheists United speaking on "How Atheist Communities are Reframing Separation of Church and State." As religious identification continues to shrink secular identities are at record highs. The future of American democracy could depend on how well secular communities can organize in response to growing Christian Nationalism. Evan will explore the changing trends in atheist and humanist community building and how that intersects with church/state advocacy.

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