Whitney Oppenhuizen

Marketing Director


[email protected]

Whitney has worked in marketing and communications for over 12 years, starting in boutique marketing agencies that served healthcare organizations and office furniture companies to nonprofits and local small businesses. After transitioning to corporate marketing for a handful of years, Whitney found a true home with in-house nonprofit marketing roles where she has built and executed strategic marketing plans focusing on holistic messaging and tactics that support the organization’s mission and fundraising efforts.

Whitney’s passion for church-state separation comes from lived experience and a deep knowing that all individuals deserve the freedom to live as they choose in all areas of life.

Congress needs to hear from you!

Urge your legislators to co-sponsor the Do No Harm Act today.

The Do No Harm Act will help ensure that our laws are a shield to protect religious freedom and not used as a sword to harm others by undermining civil rights laws and denying access to health care.

Act Now