June 2017 Church & State - June 2017

Ky. Wants ‘In Year Of Our Lord’ On Documents

  AU admin

Kentucky legislators in the Senate and House passed resolutions that would urge including the phrase “In the Year of Our Lord” to date the chambers’ resolutions and floor citations.

On March 30, the General Assembly passed House Resolution 218 and Senate Resolution 294 in the final days of the legislative session.

State Sen. Albert Robinson (R), who sponsored the Senate measure, told the Lexington Herald-Leader that “it’s important for us to go back to the basics of our U.S. and state constitutions that used that phrase.

“I’m also trying anywhere and everywhere I can to respect our creator,” Robinson added.

Critics such as Frank Lovell Jr., a member of Louisville Atheists and Freethinkers, argued that the resolution was one-sided and religiously motivated.

“They only serve sectarian purposes. They meet no secular need,” he said.

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