September 2018 Chuch & State Magazine - September 2018

Fla. School Board Rejects Creationism On Close Vote

  Rokia Hassanein

A Florida county school district came one vote short of adopting a policy of teaching creationism in public school science classes.  

After five county residents complained that there weren’t “alternative” theories to evolution in two science textbooks, the Martin County School District put the matter up for a vote. District officials voted 3-2 in favor of keeping the textbooks as is.  Before the vote, school officials testified that the textbooks adhered to state guidelines since evolution was presented as a theory.

Some residents were not pleased and argued that they don’t believe in evolution. 

“Young minds will be influenced to believe that evolution is science and other explanations are invalid,” wrote Al Robinson, a retired sixth-grade teacher, reported, a news website.

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